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Chinese Medicine Remote Consultations

Chinese Medicine remote consultations can be very effective… but, it takes an experienced practitioner conducting the interviews to maximize the potential of virtual visits. I have a well established history of conducting interviews with clients in such a way as to extract the information required to make immediate and accurate health assessments.  Administration of effective therapeutic protocols hinges on  obtaining the facts.

The Covid epidemic spawned the practice of virtual visits for health assessment.  Elements of safety and convenience led to their increased popularity. In an effort to extend service to as many people as possible I have incorporated necessary changes to my business. It is my goal to make available the best quality virtual health service experience.

Key factors taken into consideration:

  • Safety.
  • Cost.
  • Simplicity.
  • Quality of service.

I am Steven “Doc” Blackstone, the Chinese Medicine practitioner at The Chinese Medicine Man. My website for virtual consultations is

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